You are a Morpharoo!
If you indicated that you are Emotional, Detailed, and Altruisitc, you are likely a Morpharoo. Morpharoos perceive the world emotionally and tend to pay attention to detail. They are typically altruistic in their life and will take on the role of any “Roo” to serve the needs of their family or group. Morpharoos adapt to about anything and can succeed in almost any task. Scroll down for more!

Morpharoos are the chameleons of the herd. They possess a combination of traits that makes them suitable to almost any duty assigned to them. Morpharoos will take on the role needed by their community, organization, or family even for extended lengths of time. They are typically passionate about their roled and perform with great commitment and enthusiasm.
Morpharoos are typically found within the core of a family or group culture, or close to it. They are often, but not always, valued by the leaders of the groups for their supreme adaptability combined with loyalty to the culture.
Morpharoos can be found at family leadership, organizational supervisory and even executive levels as they often possess the most comprehensive knowledge and history of their groups. They prefer change and enjoy serving in a variety of positions. Whatever they put their mind to, Morpharoos will often focus and drive toward that goal, achieve it, and then quickly move on to the next one. Morpharoos are extremely valuable allies once committed to the overall goals of the family or group.
If you want to learn more about Your Personal Harmonic Type (PHT) and the Organizational Culture Harmonics System (OCH), be sure to drop us a message through the contact button below.