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You are a Loyalroo!

If you indicated you are Logical, Holistic, and Individualistic you are likely a Loyalroo.  Loyalroos perceive the world logically and see the “big picture” or vision of a family, group, or organization. Remaining focused on their individual needs, they prefer to support the directions of others and serve the family or group through their individual time, energy, and resources.  They are powerful allies within groups with an ability to focus on collective goals and drive toward success.

Loyalroos clearly value loyalty in their work and lives.  They are not “blind followers” and must see how their contributions fit the vision and mission of their families and other organizations. They are tremendous supporters when given tasks and specific directions to achieve goals.  They rarely openly challenge authority or question leadership. However, they will do so when they feel a threat is imminent.  Loyalroos are constantly watching the direction of the group or organization through their holistic constructs.    If they cannot see their individual benefit, Loyalroos will join different groups within or across larger groups or organizations to seek that fit.  They are driven to find that fit between purpose and self-grounded above all in trust.


Loyalroos are usually punctual and orderly and not prone to wide ranges of emotion.  They base their decisions on that logic and will work very hard.  As they value loyalty, they do not give it unconditionally.  Loyalroos must feel trusted, respected, and valued.  They must be regularly informed of family, group, or organizational direction and status to secure and maintain their trust. 


If you want to learn more about Your Personal Harmonic Type (PHT) and the Organizational Culture Harmonics System (OCH), be sure to drop us a message through the contact button below.

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