You are a Visiroo!
If you indicated you are Logical, Holistic, and Altruistic, you are likely a Visiroo. Visiroos perceive the world logically. They prefer to rely more on their “big picture” or vision of the world and ground their vision in evidence. Though not always family or group leaders, they are typically altruistic in their life, and see formal or informal leadership as service to others and service to their family, group, and community. Most Visiroos possess an enormous level of courage!
Visiroos are often typically the “idea engine” of the family or group. They are constantly looking beyond the current horizon. They are deeply committed to internal values and not always the leaders of their family or organization. They have reached their convictions through logic and are therefore remarkably grounded in their beliefs and perceptions. From these strong convictions Visiroos usually possess an enormous amount of courage and energy.
Visiroos see the “big picture” and combine this trait with an altruistic commitment that often extends beyond their immediate family or organization. They can inspire others and possess a passion tempered by logic and experience. This can often lead to assumptions that they do not listen. They do, but like Thrivearoos will challenge group members to offer alternative visions and in the absence of such alternatives move to adopt quick action.
Visiroos feed on opportunities to explore and grow. They can be relentless in their vision, and often miss critical details and concerns of others. Their unyielding courage and endless curiosity gives them a high tolerance for risk and even profound change. Such drive can make others feel uncomfortable if not even threatened. Many Visiroos need a diverse team around them to assure that their relentless pursuit of their vision engages others and includes consensus of the family or group where possible. Sometimes, such change is needed regardless of agreement of others. Here, the courage of the Visiroo will lead the family or group forward.